This product is one of my favorites and I own two. I bought the Vedic early 2022 and Sky later in the summer of 2022. We use the somavedic in our meditation studio and in our home. Every single client we have had at the house has opined about “the good vibe” of our home and studio since we started using the Somavedic.
I know they are pricey. No, I mean really pricey.
However, comma.
I came to terms with the fact that over the course of a month or two I would have blown the same amount of money on things that mean absolutely nothing to me now. Yes, I have changed my ways, aligning slightly more toward who I am becoming instead of aligning with who I used to be.
Meditation has helped me become a better version of myself. As I like to say, I am not perfect but I am perfectly human.
I’ve seen a few YouTube videos on the Somavedic and what really sat with me was how people were criticizing the product without really understanding what it is designed to do. The biggest criticism I found was that there is no way it eliminates harmful 5G emissions without affecting internet connections.
Guess what? It’s not designed to eliminate 5G emissions. It’s designed to stop the 5G emissions from negatively affecting the human body.
It doesn’t work against digital technology. It works pro-human health!
I think everyone should have one of these in their homes. It has created a calm and soothing environment for our clients at The Ayurvedic’s meditation studio and it has increased the quality of our sleep at home. Like I said before, I’m pretty sure I’ve spent similar amounts of money on nonsense with nothing to show for it. This is not that. . I’ve started making calculated choices in the way I spend my money. This is an item I will not do without. We have a special code if you would like to get a discount with Somavedic. Use code #TheAyurvedic during checkout with Somavedic
We are paid a small compensatory fee when you use our link and as usual, we only recommend items we love and use.