
Why Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is the process through which we return to wholeness and healing.

We must respect this process.

Ayurveda is:

Personalized: Ayurveda tailors its treatments and health recommendations just for you–according to your unique characteristics and individual needs.

Preventative: Ayurveda helps you make choices that create health while preventing disease. Ayurveda taps into your innate and intuitive healing ability.

Practical: Ayurveda gives you simple tools and practices you can use to experience greater health and happiness in your daily life.

Participatory: To receive the full benefits of Ayurveda, put the personalized, preventative, and practical guidelines into practice. Participate in your own life consciously, mindfully, and fully.

When you consciously choose to engage in all the foundations of health, you actively participate in creating a whole, healthy, happy you that is connected to source and uses whole-person wellness to navigate this universe.

Class One

What is Ayurveda?

This is a prerequisite class to taking the other Ayurveda classes.

In our first Ayurveda class, we will set our intentions for the course, discuss the principles of Ayurveda, learn about the multidimensional nature of life, explore our mind-body constitutions (known as doshas), and learn how to interpret the Dosha quiz to understand the body type you have and how to care for it.

Ayurveda is one of the world’s most sophisticated and effective total health systems. When we practice Ayurveda, we begin to see the symbiotic nature of our physical health, emotions, stresses, and the state of our relationships. Through Ayurveda, we understand that health is a byproduct of enlightened living.

Ayurveda, known as the “science of life,” is a series of highly nuanced, holistic, personalized, and preventative mind-body-spirit healing systems. It gently guides us to be part of our own healing process through the cultivation of minor, nuanced awareness in the prevention of disease.

Ayurveda focuses on the unique qualities of the individual–how we each respond to different foods, movements, and other life experiences.

In Ayurveda, there is no one-size-fits-all prescription for well-being.

Instead, every health-related measure is based on an individual’s unique dosha type and the lifestyle choices best suited for that dosha. When. you register for your first class, you will take a quiz to determine this dosha for your body

Ayurveda is experiential. You will know very quickly, sometimes immediately, the effect small and healthy changes can have.

The choices we make every day affect the physical experience of the body and the mental experience in the mind–including decisions about what to eat, how we relate interpersonally, and even how we establish our daily routines. The Ayurveda Self-Care classes run approximately 90 minutes. Some might go longer and some might go shorter depending on your level of curiosity and ability to grasp these methods as practical aspects of your life. I am committed to your well-being and am prepared to take the time you need to grasp these concepts so you can make full use of this life-changing education. Please block off at least 2 hourss for these sessions.

Class Two


In Class Two, we will discuss Ayurvedic nutrition, including the power of digestion, the six tastes, eating to balance each dosha type, phytonutrients, and eating with awareness. You will learn practices for cultivating vibrant health and well-being.

In Ayurveda, health begins in the gut. If your digestion is not where you want it to be, chances are neither are a lot of other aspects of your life, including personal health, well-being, emotional stability, experiencing daily joy, maintaining quality relationships, contributing to society, and thriving.

Yes, it all starts in the gut.

In Ayurveda, what you eat is important but more so when you eat. Timing is everything and learning to listen to nature, as a part of nature, is vital to understanding how you are connected with every breathing living thing in our wonderful universe.

Class Three

Emotional Fitness

In our third class together, we will focus on cultivating emotional well-being, which includes these topics:

  • Happiness

  • Our core emotional needs

  • The nature of emotions and how they relate to the doshas

  • The seven biological responses

  • Conscious communication

  • Practices and tools for emotional clearing

There are so many different states we can have as human beings. Our emotions often control who we speak to, how we speak, and the level of energy emit, drawing or repelling different people to or from us.

Class four

The Five Six Senses

During the fourth class, we will explore how to tap into the healing power of the five senses: sound, touch, sight, taste, and smell. You will learn specific sensory practices to balance each of the doshas. You will also explore the sixth sense of humor—using laughter as medicine

Our society counts on a certain level of compliance. You must adhere to certain rules if you want to integrate. Sometimes, these rules are unspoken and cause a soul-crushing experience for us.

Nature has given us five main senses from which we can experience life. If we don’t use these senses, they tend to dull. In class four, we will explore how subtle changes in our environment can affect our health and well-being and how those subtle changes can lead to immense transformation, leading to finding purpose and meaning and connecting your soul to its Maker as part of a daily self-care routine.

Class five

Routines, Rhythms, And Rest

In our final Ayurveda class together, we will focus on Ayurvedic daily routines. The topics include:

  • The rhythms of nature

  • Creating an optimal daily routine

  • Doshas and the seasons

  • Seasonal routines

  • Detoxification

  • Restful sleep.

    You will also be guided in the practices of an Ayurvedic lifestyle.

During these Health classes, you will also learn and experience basic meditation practices and a few simple, yet effective breathing awareness techniques. Every class builds on the next and when you get to the fifth class of the Ayurveda series, you will have a holistic understanding of how you can care for yourself, all the way to your soul and what that looks like for you on any given hour of the day.

See All Ayurveda Classes