Begin Your Wellness Journey.

Total Well-Being Coaching

“Mens Sana In Corpore Sano”

‘A healthy mind in a healthy body’ -Satires of Juvenal 60-130 BC)

Total Well-Being is about creating mindful change in your life.

Most topics include:

  • Personal Growth

  • Romance

  • Family/Friends

  • Finances

  • Environment/Lifestyle

  • Health

  • Recreation

  • Career

  • Mental + Spiritual Well-being

  • Friends/Family

We can discuss any topic you like. Most Total Well-Being Clients come in because they are dealing with a challenge and want to be coached. Coaching is very much unlike mentoring.

You are the expert in your own life. I am only here to help guide you in the direction of travel you want to take. Nothing works without you. You are the most important person in the client-coach relationship. You pick the subject, the pace, and the level of detail.

I have a vast toolkit and am unafraid to use it. Sometimes, we get lost in this world. Sometimes, the world tries to gobble us up. There is always a way out, and there is always a solution that’s right for you. I can help you find your way.

As my mentor says: “Freedom is an inside job.” I’m here for this conversation.

You can try an introductory grounding session with me to see if we are compatible and get more insight into what coaching looks and feels like.

Our session will be

  • Personalized

    Our initial sessions will be dedicated to assessing your current wellness and self-care habits, understanding your standards, and establishing what you want to achieve for yourself. Eventually, we will create a personalized plan to fit your unique needs and goals.

    The Ayurvedic tailors your health and wellness recommendations just for you, according to your unique characteristics and individual needs, based off what you want for your life, and not what others think your life should look like.

    We will cover areas that involve meaning, purpose, and intention and even poke around at shadow work. Let’s look forward to your future together. There’s much to be discovered.

  • Targeted

    Everyone has pain points when it comes to achieving body-mind wellness. I get it. Life comes at us, and sometimes, our choices are not ones we would have picked if we had a do-over.

    I’ll work closely with you to help identify and overcome your triggers, emotional blocks, physical challenges, and emotional struggles. Not everything has to be a war. Sometimes, we can find ourselves in the middle of the storm and walk right through.

    If meditation is “moving from activity into silence,” then coaching is “taking your baggage to the baggage drop.” I’ll walk this journey together with you, addressing whatever trauma, abuse, or addiction you wish to discuss.

    You set the pace and the topic.

  • Integrative

    Since we agree that achieving wellness is more than just the absence of disease, we might integrate helpful practices like meditation, pranayama, and Ayurveda to realign your body, mind, and spirit to your original state of joy and bliss.

    As a Total Well-Being Coaching client, you may learn to integrate these and other self-care practices into your daily life as an innate part of who you are.

    It’s nice to learn new things. However, this is where your inner intelligence helps us uncover the person you are trying to be in the quiet moments of stillness and in the tempest rages of chaos.

    What you uncover here gets practical application in your daily life; these glimpses are the basis of our sessions together.

How you’ll feel:

Empowered to take action in your life; clearheaded with increased energy and a sense of purpose, meaning, and direction.

Also known as Task, Purpose, and Motivation

  • Spend time with me talking about what you are trying to accomplish. There is grace and space available for you to be yourself. Come as you are.

  • Get an idea of what a personalized vision plan can look like to help you reach your goals.

  • If you decide Chopra Total Well-Being Coaching is for you, you will receive unlimited guidance and support via email or text between sessions.

  • You can also sort through my helpful self-care and wellness tools and practices for navigating your unique situation and determine if you want this for yourself.

  • In these coaching sessions, YOU are the expert in your life. Coaching is very different from mentoring. You lead the way; I help guide you the whole way through.

    Understanding and knowing yourself is one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself and your loved ones. Singing your song is one of the most beautiful gifts you can leave the world. Your life matters, your experiences matter, and we are all better because of who you are.