Join the Ayurvedic (Crawford’s newest and only Meditation + Wellness Studio) in dipping your toe into a healthy and vibrant lifestyle. Breathwork is considered “Movement” in Ayurveda.
In this class, you will learn a diaphragmatic breathing technique called Ujjayi Breath in Sanskrit, or Darth Vader breath.
Ujjayi Breath is recommended for all Dosha types, and because of its soothing effect on the mind-especially beneficial for Pitta Dosha. *If you want to learn more about your own Dosha contact us to take our Chopra-Certified Ayurveda Doshic Questionnaire.
The benefits of Ujjayi breathing include:
Calming + Relaxing The Mind
Heating The Body Core
Helping Releasing Feelings Of Irritation Or Frustration
Stabilizing The Cardiorespiratory System
Balancing The Nervous System By Toning The Vagus Nerve
Helping Coordinate Breath With Movement During Asana Practice
The cost of this class is $20